With the opening of the Olympics a mere couple of days away Rio, is still struggling to finish major projects so that they can be ready in time. With officials “praying” it will be finished, here are 5 picture proofs that they just might not get the job done in time.Rio Not Ready To Host Olympics
Water problems

Would you sail in this?
One of the biggest challenges the host nation had was dealing with Rio de Janeiro’s polluted waterways. An Associated Press investigation looked into just how polluted the water was. Tests found that water in the Guanabara Bay, Copacabana breach and Rodrigo de Freitas Lake which will host water sport events aren’t safe for swimming and boating in. The concentrations of viruses in these waters are “roughly equivalent to raw sewage,” one investigator stated. With over 50 streams carrying trash and human waste into the bay, can anyone really be surprised about this and why Rio is not ready to host the Olympics?